The quality of our life can be measured by the quality of our immune system.
The Body-Temple has an amazing ability (in most cases) to heal itself, if we give it a chance and support. We were born as pure miracles (great documentary about the miracle of life) ) and there is no reason to believe that the body doesn't know what to do in times of dis-ease.
What is Immune system
The immune system is made up of special organs, cells and chemicals that fight infection (microbes). The main parts of the immune system are: white blood cells, antibodies, the complement system, the lymphatic system, the spleen, the thymus, and the bone marrow. These are the parts of your immune system that actively fight infection.
The immune system keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B- and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick.
Some infections, like the flu and the common cold, have to be fought many times because so many different viruses or strains of the same type of virus can cause these illnesses. Catching a cold or flu from one virus does not give you immunity against the others.
Unfortunately our society was trained for a quick fix with a pill and even though sometimes it is a necessity I believe that taking care of our bodies should be a number one priority.
Mindful care of the immune system requires time, trust in ability of self-healing and dedication. Once we understand that this Temple is perfect and powerful the way it is, we can start focusing on supporting this system by applying changes into our lifestyle:
1) eat more vegetables and fruits
2) spend time in nature
3) take a salt bath or showers with salt scrub
4) meditate
5) get a massage or self massage in shower - give some love to your body with mindful touch
6) use essential oils to boost your mood and vitality
7) move - run, dance, yoga, walk
8) sing
9) create
10) apply healthy sleeping habits
In case you feel your immune system is getting weaker:
1) increase an intake of vitamins - C,B,D, Magnesium, Zinc, NAC,
2) add mushrooms, turmeric and ginger to your diet ( or Golden Milk)
3) eat raw garlic - if your stomach can handle it
4) drink herbal teas - Mullein, Stinging Nettle, Lemon Balm, Great plantain leaf
5) increase an intake of lemon and honey
6) drink freshly squeezed juices
7) use Colloidal Silver
8) Sangre de Drago
9) in case of cough - herbal cough syrups (Mullein, Great plantain)
10) Chest compress
11) in case of sinuses - herbal inhalations or nasal spray
12) eat fresh cannabis or use CBD oils
13) sleep more
I'm not suggesting those tips as a medical treatment, if you are sick please visit a doctor. Never the less you may try any above mentioned supplements and see for yourself. Taking a responsibility for your own health is the first step to participate in the miracle called life.
May you be healthy, happy, holly
Love and Light